The Phases of the Moon


Natures cycles are always there to guide us. As we experience the shift of seasons, temperatures change, the days become shorter and the nights longer. Our physical needs change and simultaneously, the earth offers the foods and herbs that support this. That is if we are living seasonally, which is incredibly hard if you live in a city and shop at a supermarket which is able to stock us anything we desire, all year round. Although it is not necessary to limit ourselves too drastically, there is an enormous benefit in increasing our awareness of this. In all areas of life you can see an ebb and flow, a rise and fall. This is natural and necessary.

It is easy to be aware of the suns cycles, but it is enjoyable to become aware of the moons cycles too. There is no need to be superstitious of the full and new moon, or to follow any sort of strict regime- rituals/ceremonies etc. But you may feel called to at certain times, or as your knowledge and connection becomes deeper.

I recommend familiarising yourself with its phases and to begin contemplating the suggestions below of what potential energies the moon can bring as it goes through its 8 phases. Contemplation alone can be deeply insightful.

On the whole, the New Moon is time for turning inward, for reflecting and cultivating new ideas, this is when the moon is unable to be seen in the sky. The Full Moon is a time of excess and abundance, this high energy can accentuate both positive or negative situations, it has received a reputation for causing chaos, but this might be an unfair assumption as its gift is being able to illuminate that which is not always easily seen. A full moon occurs when the sun and moon are exactly opposite one another making the moon appear fully lit.

Whether you choose to honour the moon cycles with any form of ritual or not, it can be of great benefit to have an awareness of its monthly cycle. I like to attune myself to seasons and cycles now, if anything to acknowledge the passing of time and understanding that we are part of this nature, it’s patterns and inevitable transformations.

We are all like the bright moon, we still have our darker side.
― Khalil Gibran


new moon


take inventory

completion of old

preparation for new

the internal

cultivating creativity


waxing crescent


changes in motion

evaluating direction

putting plans into action


first quarter

growth begins

high focus

goals become activated

opportunity to make adjustments


waxing gibbous

maturity and development

allow your efforts to unfold

preparations come into fruition

take note of details


full moon

excess / a ‘spilling over’

reap the harvest

heightened awareness

review successes and challenges

truth revealed


waning gibbous

applying the lessons you have learnt

time for community & communication

work with new insights


third quarter


finding new perspective

connect with intuition

turning inward


waning crescent

winding down

